Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Toucan Drawing

My 6-yo son is artistically inclined, so I dedicate a few hours a week to make art with him. I bought us how-to-draw books last weekend, so this week's art activity is drawing a toucan.

The LO didn't finish his drawing because it's "ugly". He got a little bit frustrated because he was handling the pencil too hard, so I taught him how to use light strokes. He has now moved on to drawing flowers, but I thought I'd share with you my finished drawing.


It took me about 10-20 minutes to do this, I used a Stabilo Othello 282 pencil. Don't ask me why, it was just the pencil that I grabbed from the drawing set that I bought. I don't know the differences between pencils yet, I should probably start learning since I have to guide my son with his drawing while he's not enrolled in art school but I'm too lazy to learn by myself. If there's anyone who is willing to teach me (for free *coughs*), just let me know.

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